Hands-on Reiki
30 or 60 minute session
Reiki at my space or in your home. Price will vary slightly due to travel time. By appointment only.
Starting price $35 for thirty minutes. $60 for sixty minutes.
Distance Reiki
30 minutes
Thirty minutes of distance Reiki.By appointment only. Price $35.
60 minute group and private classes. Price will vary depending on location and number of participants.
Meditation offered with or without singing bowls. 60 minute session. Price will vary depending on location and number of participants.
Ayurvedic Services
Ayurvedic Diet & Nutrition Initial Consult includes discovering your dosha and health goals. Once everything has been reviewed, recommendations are provided. Two hours. Price $108
Ayurvedic Diet & Nutrition Follow Up includes reviewing recommendations and updating them based on your success. Thirty to Sixty minutes. Price $54.